In the 17th century, a domino was a mourning veil worn by women. Other women also used dominos to hide their identities. There are many women in the body of Christ that have secretly worn such a veil and are still in mourning and/or hiding. Their grief is caused by the deception and personal experience of abortion. It is the goal of this ministry to help these women complete the grieving process, step into the light of God's love, and give them "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3).

Domino Ministries holds post-abortion restoration/memorial services several times a year. This ministry takes place on one day and incorporates several elements. We establish Kingdom realities, including forgiveness, cleansing, and comfort. We then commemorate the lives of the little ones in heaven in community. The service concludes with words of encouragement and blessing for all the participants.

By design, our ministry team includes both those who have not had abortions and those who have had them. We believe we minister best together as we demonstrate the non-condemning love of Christ as believers who have all been saved by God's grace.

Whether the abortions were recent or many years ago, we have found this ministry effective in bringing closure to the past and hope for the future. Our ministry team would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for "dominos" to come down. We also desire to see the "domino effect" of this ministry on other women who are currently in hiding wearing their personal and secret mourning veils. The term "domino" comes from the Latin word for "Lord, Master." We desire to see the domino or veil of mourning exchanged for the dominion of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose desire is for all to enter into His joy.