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Although I knew I was forgiven by God for the three abortions in my past, I still found myself cringing when I thought of them. I could not imagine that someone who killed her own babies could really ever feel whole, and I couldn't reconcile that with how much God loves me, so I put it away in a corner of my mind. When I was invited to come to this ministry, I thought I didn't need to, but God whispered, "Yes, you do."

He's so good. The processes that we went through, the loving presence of our Lord, the fact that I was with other women going through the same experience, all contributed to a mighty rush of healing, deliverance from shame, and freedom. I cannot thank God enough for taking me there, and revealing lies I was believing, which He replaced with His truth. His blood covers even abortion.

In my newfound freedom, I was finally able to tell my children about their brothers and sister who are in heaven, and to receive their understanding and compassion. I am also now free to share my testimony, knowing that there are many other women like me who need to know that their abortions are covered by the forgiveness and cleansing power of Jesus' blood. I now know, without a doubt that my life counts for much more than I ever imagined. Jesus has given me the truth about His great grace and love that frees us from guilt and shame, including the secret of abortion.
