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I grew up in a dysfunctional, abusive, alcoholic family. By the time I was twelve, I was addicted to alcohol and drugs, which led to 28 years of drug abuse. During that time I had three abortions that left me numb, angry and full of hatred. Ten years after my last abortion, I received Jesus as my Savior and knew I was forgiven of my sins.

When I became aware of Domino Ministries, I knew God wanted me to participate. I had a clear sense that although I was forgiven, I hadn't fully dealt with the abortions in my past. I had avoided it, and now I felt it was my time to face it. I'm so glad I did.

The thing that stood out the most to me about the ministry was the sense of God's presence and His love. In a safe place, I was able to deal with my dark secret with other women that understood my pain. Together we walked through the process and received our healing. I was also able to connect with my three children now in heaven and, for the first time, I celebrated their lives. A new peace and joy that I couldn't have imagined broke into my life. Now I'm free to share my story with others. My desire is for other women, that they too would experience God's love, His peace, and unspeakable joy. "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
