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From the time I was seven until I was fourteen, I was regularly molested. When I realized that I was pregnant, I made arrangements to have an abortion without my family's knowledge. I thought my secret was safe. Later when I received Jesus as my Savior, I claimed forgiveness for all my sins, including the abortion. But even knowing that my child was in heaven and that I would be reunited with him one day, my sadness was unbearable at times. It was so unfair!

When I heard about Domino Ministries, I knew that God would do something awesome for me through this process and He did! I was able to face my secret and release all that was in my heart to Jesus and my precious son in heaven, Kyle. I asked Kyle for his forgiveness and confessed to him how sorry I was for not being able to share our lives together. For me this experience was liberating, illuminating, and a reconciling time between the Lord, my child and myself.

The healing I experienced that evening changed me forever. Since that time, I've been able to talk about my experience with others, including Kyle's father. That's a whole other testimony! As I have allowed God to set me free from my shame and guilt, He has blessed my life in surprising ways. Lord, You have filled our mouths with laughter, taken our shame away; turned our mourning into dancing, our hearts overflow with praise!

-from one who knows, Jana