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I was married with one child when I had my first abortion. Divorce followed shortly afterwards, and heavy drinking and drug use followed. Seeking comfort and relief, I shared my bed often. After I became a Christian, I started fervently pursuing my relationship with Jesus. Unfortunately, about a year and a half into my new journey, I fell back into my old ways. I got pregnant by a man who used drugs and was verbally and emotionally abusive. He and his family were adamant about me getting an abortion. In my heart, I knew this man was all wrong for me. My lifestyle also was laced with alcohol and drugs. Once again, I had an abortion out of fear and self-hatred.

Many, many times I repented of this sin, with hours of counseling--both in the church and in the world. Whenever I heard the word "abortion", I wanted to jump out of my skin and run as fast and as far away as I could. I didn't want to discuss it for fear of judgment. I continued to experience much inner turmoil and torment.

I thank God for the role that Domino Ministries has played in my life. They provided a safe place where I could be honest with myself and others. I was able to receive forgiveness, forgive others, and find closure. That evening was instrumental to a domino effect of walls crashing down, one right after another, and moving out of my way. Now I can see my Savior clearly, and let myself be released into love. I am free to let others love me, including my children, and free to value myself again. Now I want to help others gain the same freedom that I have.
