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Although I grew up in a "Christian" home, I walked away from God at the age of 19. I decided I would not believe in a God for whom I could never be good enough. I rejected morality in general, and pursued various relationships with men. Several years later I found myself pregnant by an on-and-off boyfriend. I opted to have an abortion. That experience shook me to the core and I was never the same. It was the beginning of my walk back to Father God. Three years later I received Jesus as my Savior. I knew I was forgiven for my sins, including the abortion, but never quite felt it in my soul. I would beg God to forgive me whenever I thought about it. During the next seven years, I received increments of forgiveness and healing.

At church I heard about the upcoming Restoration service. I knew I wanted to go, even though I felt like I had dealt with everything related to my abortion. When the day arrived, I forgot all about the service, which is very unusual for me. Fortunately, I was able to re-schedule for the following day. An hour before I was to leave for the meeting, I got incredibly ill. I decided to go anyway. As soon as I walked through the door, the sickness left me. I knew there was something I still needed to deal with and something trying to keep me from doing it.

The whole experience was amazing! The peace and forgiveness began washing over me from the beginning. For the first time in my life I was able to give someone a word of knowledge. This was especially meaningful to me, as I had contended for this for a long time. I was also able to connect with my son who is now in heaven waiting for me. I know he loves me and interceded for my salvation since the day he got there. That is true for every woman and man who has ever been part of an abortion. It was life changing for me. I have been walking in freedom and victory since that day! Not only that, but since then I have had this incredible feeling of wealth even though my financial situation indicates otherwise. I am wealthy in the Kingdom for more than monetary reasons! I know I am blessed and loved by God.
